CARP+ SPVC project is funded by MasterCard Foundation through the Regional Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM). The project aim is “Enhancing access to high quality seed potato for improved productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers in Nakuru County”.Overall Goal to transform the seed potato value chain in Nakuru county into a vibrant commercialized sub-sector for improved income and livelihoods of
smallholder farmers.
1. Improve research and practical skills of faculty and students at Egerton
University and Baraka Agricultural College through collaborative action
research in seed potato VC.
2. Enhance production skills and access to quality seed potato for improved incomes of small holder farmer in Nakuru County.
3. Improve the governance and performance of the seed potato value chain in Nakuru County through a multi-stakeholder platform approach.
This project will focus original research on access to high quality seed potato by smallholder farmers and will use innovations developed by partners to inform interventions along the entire value chain which will be undertaken with students and TVET institutions working closely with small farmers.The project will build research and agri-business skills for students (1 PhD, 5 MSc, and 10 Bsc); and support incubation of two business ideas along the SPVC. The implementing partners are Barakara Agricultural College (BAC-TVET), Nakuru Smallholder Farmers Association (NASFA) leaders who represent over 10,000 farmers, the National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK), and the Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC Molo).The two institutions will conduct short courses and set up a facility for storage and distribution of seed potato to farmers and schools teaching agriculture. The best seed potato production technologies will be documented and capacity building conducted for mobilized seed potato farmers and farmer groups through on-farm demonstrations. Farmers will be empowered to efficiently multiply clean seed potato and commercialize its marketing through individual and group marketing enterprises. This will be scaled up to the various constituencies of Nakuru and therefore increase access to high quality seed potato by ware potato farmers. The business enterprises co-created will provide case studies for use in training and encouragement of investors in the potato value chain. This is expected to contribute to growth and commercialization of the sector and increase livelihood opportunities for smallholder farmers. The project is targeting resource poor smallholder farmers who are normally disadvantaged in the uptake of agricultural technologies. We have a gender perspective approach to enable each gender gets an opportunity to equitably and effectively participate in the SPVC. This will ensure that the groups and cooperatives will incorporate women and youth leadership in the decision making processes.
With support of SNV Kenya, MasterCard Foundation, RUFORUM, Nakuru County Government, Sun Culture, Frigoken (IPS), G. North and other partners, the Nakuru Irrigation Platform and the Seed Potato Value Chain (SPVC) Community Action Research Project Plus(CARP+) established a Climate and Water Smart Agriculture Centre (CaSWA-C) in January 2019. The purpose of the CaWSA-Centre is to be a centre of excellence on climate and water smart technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS).The CaWSA-Centre is providing training on water use and conservation for crops and cropping systems
1. Students’ Experiential Learning: Conducted participatory needs baseline survey on potato small holder farmers’ in project sites. Supported experiential learning and action research for PhD, Masters, BSc. students and farmers.
CARP+ SPVC supported 15 interns (10 graduates and 5 students) and trained students on Data management and Good Agricultural Practices.
2. Seed Multiplication: The CARP+ SPVC project and Irrigation Acceleration Platform (IAP@Nakuru) set up the Climate and Water Smart Agriculture (CaWSA)- Centre in Egerton University with funding from SNV Kenya. CARP+ supported three trials on apical rooted cuttings and tubers
1) A students’ project, 2) Farmers compared eight varieties and 3) one-acre mechanization demo. We supported farmers to increase seed production and marketing skills and Baraka Agricultural College to expand its certified seed production.
3. Farmers Training: Trained Small holder farmers at six demo sites on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) of seed potato. The demos hosted field days and trade fairs.
4. Strengthening of Potato Producer Organizations: We supported Nakuru Small Holder Farmers’ Association (NASFA) to conduct OCAT for farmer groups and update its membership database. With support of County Government(NARIG-project), we facilitated formation of Nakuru Potato Cooperative Union (NPCU) that has 5,350 members and proposal writing.
5. Multi Stakeholder Platforms:In partnership with NCPK, Nakuru County Government and partners, developed the Nakuru County Potato Strategy. Participated in developing the Crops (Irish Potato) Regulations 2019. Egerton University is convener of the Nakuru Potato Platform.
CARP+ SPVC partners are ADC Molo, National Potato Council of Kenya(NPCK), Baraka Agricultural College (BAC), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), International Potato Centre (CIP)/ Stockman Rosen, Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries and AgriProfocus. CARP+ has built partnerships with companies such as Syngenta Foundation, SNV Kenya, Baraka Fertilizers, Agventure Limited, Toyota Tshusho EA, FMD, Lachlan Africa, Sun Culture, Eunidrip, AGRICO,
and others.
The CaWSA- Centre showcases various water conservation, storage, abstraction and distribution systems and soil and moisture conservation technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS).
Prof. Anthony M. Kibe,
CaWSA – Centre Coordinator
Crops, Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton
University, Njoro, Kenya.