The frequent increase in variability of rainfall amounts and its distribution patterns, is leading to unpredictable and frequent droughts, flash foods and temperatures leading to periodic crop failure, food shortages and hunger.
These occurrences’ are being attributed to Climate change (CC). With only 3 m3 water use/capita/year, Kenya has one of the lowest surface water storage rates in the world for irrigated agriculture and livestock use (ICRAF 2012).
By 2013, only 12% (161,840 ha) of the irrigation potential had been developed (Water Master Plan, 2012). To realize this huge potential, more investment in Smart Water Solutions (SWS) for agriculture is needed by various commodity (grain, vegetable, tuber and recreation crops) Irrigated Value Chain (IVC) actors, i.e., farmers, inputs & technology providers, market of-takers, financial service providers, transporters, academic and research organizations.
Despite the existence of numerous technological solutions and innovations that mitigate and or enable humans adapt to CC, there are a few Centres or institutes in Kenya that provide or showcase the potential of IVC solutions that combat drought effects on crop production. A concerted effort by all IVC actors is therefore needed to enable sustenance of a critical threshold of skilled personnel that have a common
vision in providing efficient irrigated agricultural systems.
The CaWSA- Centre showcases various water conservation, storage, abstraction and distribution systems and soil and moisture conservation technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS).
Prof. Anthony M. Kibe,
CaWSA – Centre Coordinator
Crops, Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton
University, Njoro, Kenya.