By partnering with Baraka Agricultural College (TVET), a practical oriented middle level training institution, the CARP+ SPVC will provide EU faculty, students and farmers opportunities to participate in experiential learning that will lead to formulating joint action research plans that will solve stakeholders (SH) issues. The BAC has developed a demo farm unit for multiplication of certified seed potato accessed from EU and ADC Molo. In addition, the college will conduct short courses and set up a facility for storage and distribution of seed potato to farmers and schools teaching agriculture. The best seed potato production technologies will be documented and capacity building conducted for mobilized seed potato farmers and farmer groups through on-farm demonstrations.
Farmers will be empowered to efficiently multiply clean seed potato and commercialize its marketing through individual and group marketing enterprises.This will be scaled up to the various constituencies of Nakuru and therefore increase access to high quality seed potato by ware potato farmers.
The business enterprises co-created will provide case studies for use in training and encouragement of investors in the potato value chain. This is expected to contribute to growth and commercialization of the sector and increase livelihood opportunities for smallholder farmers. The project will target resource poor smallholder farmers who are normally disadvantaged in the uptake of agricultural technologies.
The CaWSA- Centre showcases various water conservation, storage, abstraction and distribution systems and soil and moisture conservation technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS).
Prof. Anthony M. Kibe,
CaWSA – Centre Coordinator
Crops, Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton
University, Njoro, Kenya.