Nakuru Smallholder Farmers Association (NASFA) is an umbrella organization for farmers for Nakuru County. It is guided by principles and values that can make it a credible organization. The purpose of the organization is to bring together all Farmer groups and relevant stakeholders within Nakuru County to advocate for sustainable natural resources management, food security and climate change issues. The organization draws its membership from Farmers groups and Networks in Nakuru County. 

The organization draws its membership from Farmers groups and Networks in Nakuru County. The overall goal of the organization is to strengthen farmers’ capacities, to engage in implementation of County policies and programmes towards realizing food security and addressing climate change issues, enhancing production, value addition, marketing, information and experience sharing as well as creating linkages with relevant actors and players.

Purpose and coverage of NASFA

To bring together all farmer organizations and relevant stakeholders within Nakuru County to advocate for sustainable natural resources management, food security and climate change issues, value addition and marketing of agricultural products. Membership is guided by voluntary entry and exit as per the rules and regulations.

Area of operation
Nakuru County: Sub counties: Nakuru town, Nakuru North, Naivasha, Gilgil, Subukia, Rongai, Njoro, Molo, Kuresoi North and Kuresoi South

Composition of members

NASFA membership is open to agricultural based organizations that include: Community based organization; self help Groups, Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), farmers’ cooperatives, Farmers Associations and Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO) operating within Nakuru County.


Strengthened Farmers organizations/institutions proactively engaging in sustainable and participatory management of natural resources, food production, value addition and marketing systems contributing to sustainable development.


To engage agricultural Actors in promotion of participatory management of natural resources and food production through networking, linkages, advocacy, and capacity building for socio-economic development Our Values and guiding principles
Our efforts are geared to appreciate, learn and understand the needs of farmers, their institutions and objectives with the intent of enabling attainment of shared objectives.
Guiding principles and values
NASFA is guided by the following principles and values;
• Transparency and accountability
• Solidarity
• Justice and Peace
• Nurturing collective aspirations
• Fostering synergy and sharing of ideas and experiences
• Championing for equity
• Provide platform for famers to address their aspirations
• Embrace participatory processes
• Volunteerism


To strengthen farmer organizations capacities to engage in implementation of Nakuru County policies and development programmes towards realizing sustainable natural resources management, food security, addressing climate change issues and access to reliable market.

NASFA Specific Objectives

1. Build the capacity of farmer organizations to advocate for food security and appropriate response to climate change issues
2. To enhance networking and collaboration with stakeholders in agriculture
3.To encourage service provision, establish and manage information/experience sharing among stakeholders
4. To participate in agricultural policy and development programmes implementation

NASFA Activities and areas of collaboration

Enhancing crop and livestock production, enhancing Irrigation, value addition and marketing, strengthening farmers’ organizations, credit and inputs, promotion of all stakeholders inclusion, strengthening institutional framework, environment and natural resource conservation, climate change, adaptation and mitigation, information and communication technologies, Youth and agriculture, inclusion of disabled and aged in agriculture (appropriate), renewable and alternative energy sources among others.


NASFA has mobilized over 12,000 farmers within Nakuru county for networking and marketing so far.

About CaWSA

The CaWSA- Centre showcases various water conservation, storage, abstraction and distribution systems and soil and moisture conservation technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS).

Get In Touch

Prof. Anthony M. Kibe,

CaWSA – Centre Coordinator
Crops, Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton
University, Njoro, Kenya.


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